You upgrade your car every few years. You change your phone every couple of years. You choose a new style with the seasons… but your belief systems?
Well, they have been around for decades!

This course has been designed for those of you wishing to be free from the hidden shackles that prevent you from stepping up to who you want to be.

What you will learn in this mini course:

  • You will learn how to identify a limiting belief

  • You will receive tools that will help you to identify them correctly

  • You will learn about the inner workings of your mind

  • You will receive a 7 step process on how to set your new desired belief in place

My mission with this mini course is to make identifying and upgrading your limiting beliefs simple. I say simple, it’s not necessarily easy!
YOU must DO the work.

There are 3 modules, which are part video and part worksheet, each with a mini assignment to guide you towards blissful beliefs. 

This course is for you if:

  • You think you have a limiting belief in a certain area that is stopping you progressing but you don’t know what it is

  • You get so far with a project and then you self sabotage but you don’t know why

  • You have repeating patterns in your life with money or relationships and you have tried thinking your way out of it but it hasn’t worked

  • You are self motivated and prepared to set aside some time to go inwards and explore what’s below the surface

In total, this whole course will only take you around 3 hours. I suggest you do each module separately to give the information time to digest, but do them close together so you can gain momentum with the calls to action. 

Just think how life could be, when this time next week, you have identified the BS belief that is stopping you meeting the love of your life and now you have upgraded to a new desired belief. In 12 months time you could be with your dream partner, moving in together and have a baby on the way. YES… this is a real story of one of my clients that dug deep, did the work and changed her belief systems. 

If she and I can do it, so can YOU! We are not special, we are normal people, just like you.
We had a dream and didn’t let anything, including ourselves, get in the way.

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I am so excited to support you to the next level of believing in yourself. 

You deserve it! In fact, you owe it to yourself.
What are you waiting for?

Love & Belief