Empowering you to create conscious change
It all begins with you…

I SEE YOU… working your butt off in a job you no longer like, drinking away your sorrows into a wine vase, getting into arguments with your partner and not remembering the next day…

…Counting the days up to your next holiday, or weekend away ou are basically left thinking, “is this it”?


That was me last decade, or what feels like a lifetime ago. Now, don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy a glass of red now and again, and a cocktail or two in the summer months, BUT I never get into those unconscious states of the past. Ironically, I now work with the subconscious mind to help women and men, just like you. I help you get to the root of those unwarranted negative emotions, bullshit limiting beliefs and the truth of what you really want, so that you too can live a life of balance and fulfilment.

What have you been tolerating in your life that you are ready to wave goodbye to? 

What brings you that sense of peace and joy that so many of us yearn for? 

And what is really important to you in life?

It’s time to connect with who you really are at the core and to what you really want

I used to live for the weekends and holidays, that was before I found what I came here for, what my purpose is.

As featured in…


1:1 Coaching

I am a Life Transition Coach which means I help you transition from one area of your life to another. This could be transitioning from the corporate world to self employed, from single to finding your desired partner, from an unhealthy lifestyle to a life in which you are thriving, mentally, physically and emotionally. Or perhaps you’re transitioning from believing you need others’ confirmation to move forward to trusting and believing in your own intuition.

The key to transformation lies in undoing what you have been conditioned to believe is the only way. Think of a coach like a magician of change who takes the cards you have and who helps you to play your hand better. Sometimes we may change the rules of the game, or find an even better game. The game, of course, is your LIFE.

Online Courses

My brand new program is called A Calmer Way. This course is designed for the woman who is panicky, worrying, labels herself as just an anxious person and creates more stories in her head than Roald Dahl, none with a happy ending I might add!

As a recovering anxiety adult, I know how debilitating this widespread pandemic can be, (anxiety being the pandemic I am referring to here) and I don’t want you to suffer in silence like I did.

There is another way The Calmer Way.

You may be yearning for more self confidence, less self doubt, more focus less distractions, more calmness and less chaos. Then this could be the exact ticket you have been searching for.


Do you feel you are sinking in quicksand and trying to push yourself out? Are you tying yourself in knots worrying and trying to resolve a problem? Are you lying awake at night as your monkey mind takes over? If the answer is yes, then transition coaching could be the answer you are searching for. 

As a transition coach I help you to create a vision of the future you want, then support you as you pursue it.  


Are you ready to discover what is holding you back & who you truly are?

I am a life transition coach which means I help you transition from one area of your life to another. This could be transitioning from the corporate world to self employed, from single to finding your desired partner, from an unhealthy lifestyle to a life in which you are thriving, mentally physically and emotionally, or it could be transitioning from believing you need others’ confirmation to move forward to trusting and believing in your own intuition.

Follow my journey